Steelcase Workplace Advisor Subscription is a continuous workplace measurement tool that lets organizations monitor, quantify and optimize ongoing workplace performance. Through precise sensing technology, Workplace Advisor Subscription collects user data allowing you to analyze how, when and why people use each space – including real time usage and trends.
Finding relevant usage data within a workspace required being able not only to track reservation schedules in meeting rooms but also real user presence and behaviors. In order to solve for 'ghost' meetings, partial occupancy and many real-world nuanced behaviors we recreated several user journeys developed out of multiple observational studies across locations. We ere also tasked with developing a meaningful dashboard for both 'users' and 'choosers'.
This dashboard would be presented to occupants across multiple touchpoints with varying degrees of granularity. How to inform someone about an upcoming meeting in the current room? How to let a team know they had still time to spare until the room would be require at a glance? How could we create soft nudges that could keep people aware of the remaining time within the room?

- Developed relevant hardware integrations that allowed for space sensing and presence detection
- Worked with Engineering teams in defining the overall system architecture: gateways, sensors, dashboards, etc.
- Worked along our visual team to develop graphic dashboards that could meaningfully represent the data points to different users in multiple touchpoints (mobile devices, office totem screens, web based apps for facility management)
-Worked with our insights team in creating a set of signaling elements and non verbal cues to guide users along monitored spaces
Steelcase Inc. Internal development